Precautionary Measures for COVID-19 Prevention
2020/02/14 HCIIn recent days, you may have heard of reports about COVID-19.
Taiwan is actively monitoring the situation. This is an evolving situation and we would like to inform you about the steps which HCI is taking to keep company and employees safe. The incubation period for the novel coronavirus is estimated at about two weeks. Individuals who recently had travelled to affected areas/countries or who had possibily come in contact with an infected person, should monitor their health for 14 days. This will include taking body temperatures daily, washing hands frequently, and wearing facial masks when coughing. It is suggested to avoid any public places such as hospitals and markets if not necessary. To prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, we encourage HCI members to continue to take standard precautions advised by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control.
1. Wash your hands with soap frequently
2. Wear a mask while coughing
3. Change your cloths and take a shower once you arrive home
4. Measure body temperature regularly